tSMS articles in humans
Oliviero A, Mordillo-Mateos L, Arias P, Panyavin I, Foffani G, Aguilar J. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the human motor cortex. J Physiol. 2011 Oct 15;589(Pt 20):4949-58.
Paulus W. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation in man: making things as simple as possible? J Physiol. 2011 Dec 15;589(Pt 24):5917-8.
Silbert BI, Pevcic DD, Patterson HI, Windnagel KA, Thickbroom GW. Inverse correlation between resting motor threshold and corticomotor excitability after static magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex. Brain Stimul. 2013 Sep;6(5):817-20.
Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Matsumoto T, Sugawara K, Suzuki M, Oyama M, Onishi H. Effect of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the sensorimotor cortex on somatosensory evoked potentials in humans. Brain Stimul. 2014 Nov-Dec;7(6):836-40.
Rivadulla C, Foffani G, Oliviero A. Magnetic field strength and reproducibility of neodymium magnets useful for transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the human cortex. Neuromodulation. 2014 Jul;17(5):438-41
Oliviero A, Carrasco-López MC, Campolo M, Perez-Borrego YA, Soto-León V, Gonzalez-Rosa JJ, Higuero AM, Strange BA, Abad-Rodriguez J, Foffani G. Safety Study of Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation (tSMS) of the Human Cortex. Brain Stimul. 2015 May-Jun;8(3):481-5.
Nojima I, Koganemaru S, Fukuyama H, Mima T. Static magnetic field can transiently alter the human intracortical inhibitory system. Clin Neurophysiol. 2015 Dec;126(12):2314-9.
Gonzalez-Rosa JJ, Soto-Leon V, Real P, Carrasco-Lopez C, Foffani G, Strange BA, Oliviero A. Static Magnetic Field Stimulation over the Visual Cortex Increases Alpha Oscillations and Slows Visual Search in Humans. J Neurosci. 2015 Jun 17;35(24):9182-93.
Kirimoto H, Asao A, Tamaki H, Onishi H. Non-invasive modulation of somatosensory evoked potentials by the application of static magnetic fields over the primary and supplementary motor cortices. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 4;6:34509.
Nojima I, Koganemaru S, Mima T. Combination of Static Magnetic Fields and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Can Alter Focal Cortical Excitability. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Nov 25;10:598.
Arias P, Adán-Arcay L, Puerta-Catoira B, Madrid A, Cudeiro J. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of M1 reduces corticospinal excitability without distorting sensorimotor integration in humans. Brain Stimul. 2017 Mar-Apr;10(2):340-342.
Carrasco-López C, Soto-León V, Céspedes V, Profice P, Strange BA, Foffani G, Oliviero A. Static Magnetic Field Stimulation over Parietal Cortex Enhances Somatosensory Detection in Humans. J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 5;37(14):3840-3847.
Kufner M, Brückner S, Kammer T. No modulatory effects by transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of human motor and somatosensory cortex. Brain Stimul. 2017 May - Jun;10(3):703-710.
Foffani G, Dileone M. No modulatory effects by tSMS when delivered during a cognitive task. Brain Stimul. 2017 Jul - Aug;10(4):867.
Dileone M, Carrasco-López MC, Segundo-Rodriguez JC, Mordillo-Mateos L, López-Ariztegui N, Alonso-Frech F, Catalan-Alonso MJ, Obeso JA, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Dopamine-dependent changes of cortical excitability induced by transcranial static magnetic field stimulation in Parkinson's disease. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 28;7(1):4329.
Matsugi A, Okada Y. Cerebellar transcranial static magnetic field stimulation transiently reduces cerebellar brain inhibition. Funct Neurol. 2017 Apr/Jun;32(2):77-82.
Lozano-Soto E, Soto-León V, Sabbarese S, Ruiz-Alvarez L, Sanchez-Del-Rio M, Aguilar J, Strange BA, Foffani G, Oliviero A. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) of the visual cortex decreases experimental photophobia. Cephalalgia. 2018 Jul;38(8):1493-1497.
Tharayil JJ, Goetz SM, Bernabei JM, Peterchev AV. Field Distribution of Transcranial Static Magnetic Stimulation in Realistic Human Head Model. Neuromodulation. 2018 Jun;21(4):340-347.
Kirimoto H, Tamaki H, Otsuru N, Yamashiro K, Onishi H, Nojima I, Oliviero A. Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation over the Primary Motor Cortex Induces Plastic Changes in Cortical Nociceptive Processing. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Feb 15;12:63.
Dileone M, Mordillo-Mateos L, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Long-lasting effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation on motor cortex excitability. Brain Stimul. 2018 Jul - Aug;11(4):676-688.
Sheffield A, Ahn S, Alagapan S, Fröhlich F. Modulating neural oscillations by transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: A crossover, double-blind, sham-controlled pilot study. Eur J Neurosci. 2019 Jan;49(2):250-262.
Nojima I, Watanabe T, Gyoda T, Sugata H, Ikeda T, Mima T. Transcranial static magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex alters sequential implicit motor learning. Neurosci Lett. 2019 Mar 23;696:33-37.
Lacroix A, Proulx-Bégin L, Hamel R, De Beaumont L, Bernier PM, Lepage JF. Static magnetic stimulation of the primary motor cortex impairs online but not offline motor sequence learning. Sci Rep. 2019 Jul 8;9(1):9886.
Davila-Pérez P, Pascual-Leone A, Cudeiro J. Effects of Transcranial Static Magnetic Stimulation on Motor Cortex Evaluated by Different TMS Waveforms and Current Directions. Neuroscience. 2019 Aug 10;413:22-30.
Pineda-Pardo JA, Obeso I, Guida P, Dileone M, Strange BA, Obeso JA, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Static magnetic field stimulation of the supplementary motor area modulates resting-state activity and motor behavior. Commun Biol. 2019 Oct 31;2:397.
Park J, Lee C, Lee S, Im CH. Comparison of magnetic field distributions generated by various permanent magnets for transcranial static magnetic stimulation: A simulation study. Comput Biol Med. 2019 Nov;114:103476.
Nakagawa K, Sasaki A, Nakazawa K. Accuracy in Pinch Force Control Can Be Altered by Static Magnetic Field Stimulation Over the Primary Motor Cortex. Neuromodulation. 2019 Dec;22(8):871-876.
Tsuru D, Watanabe T, Chen X, Kubo N, Sunagawa T, Mima T, Kirimoto H. The effects of transcranial static magnetic fields stimulation over the supplementary motor area on anticipatory postural adjustments. Neurosci Lett. 2020 Apr1;723:134863.
Shibata S, Watanabe T, Yukawa Y, Minakuchi M, Shimomura R, Mima T. Effect of transcranial static magnetic stimulation on intracortical excitability in the contralateral primary motor cortex. Neurosci Lett. 2020 Apr 1;723:134871.
Heimrath K, Spröggel A, Repplinger S, Heinze HJ, Zaehle T. Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation Over the Temporal Cortex Modulating the Right Ear Advantage in Dichotic Listening. Neuromodulation. 2020 Apr;23(3):335-340.
Hollis A, Zewdie E, Nettel-Aguirre A, Hilderley A, Kuo HC, Carlson HL, Kirton A. Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation of the Motor Cortex in Children. Front Neurosci. 2020 May 19;14:464.
Lorenz S, Alex B, Kammer T. Ten minutes of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation does not reliably modulate motor cortex excitability. PLoS One. 2020 May 26;15(5):e0233614.
Hamel R, De La Fontaine É, Bernier PM, Lepage JF. Letter to the editor: No influence of static magnetic stimulation applied for 30 minutes over the human M1 on corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimul. 2020 May-Jun;13(3):594-596.
Dileone M, Mordillo-Mateos L, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Significant influence of static magnetic field stimulation applied for 30 minutes over the human M1 on corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimul. 2020 May-Jun;13(3):751-752.
Kirimoto H, Watanabe T, Kubo N, Date S, Sunagawa T, Mima T, Ogata K, Nakazono H, Tobimatsu S, Oliviero A. Influence of Static Magnetic Field Stimulation on the Accuracy of Tachystoscopically Presented Line Bisection. Brain Sci. 2020 Dec 18;10(12):1006.
Di Lazzaro V, Musumeci G, Boscarino M, De Liso A, Motolese F, Di Pino G, Capone F, Ranieri F. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation can modify disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain Stimul. 2021 Jan-Feb;14(1):51-54.
Takamatsu Y, Koganemaru S, Watanabe T, Shibata S, Yukawa Y, Minakuchi M, Shimomura R, Mima T. Transcranial static magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex can facilitate the contralateral cortical excitability in human. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 8;11(1):5370.
Watanabe T, Kubo N, Chen X, Yunoki K, Matsumoto T, Kuwabara T, Sunagawa T, Date S, Mima T, Kirimoto H. Null Effect of Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation over the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Behavioral Performance in a Go/NoGo Task. Brain Sci. 2021 Apr 11;11(4):483.
Shibata S, Watanabe T, Yukawa Y, Minakuchi M, Shimomura R, Ichimura S, Kirimoto H, Mima T. Effects of transcranial static magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex on local and network spontaneous electroencephalogram oscillations. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 15;11(1):8261.
Chen X, Watanabe T, Kubo N, Yunoki K, Matsumoto T, Kuwabara T, Sunagawa T, Date S, Mima T, Kirimoto H. Transient Modulation of Working Memory Performance and Event-Related Potentials by Transcranial Static Magnetic Field Stimulation over the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Brain Sci. 2021 Jun 2;11(6):739.
Soto-León V, Torres-Llacsa M, Mordillo-Mateos L, Carrasco-López C, Pineda-Pardo JA, Velasco AI, Abad-Toribio L, Tornero J, Foffani G, Strange BA, Oliviero A. Static magnetic field stimulation over motor cortex modulates resting functional connectivity in humans. Sci Rep. 2022 May 12;12(1):7834.
Dileone M, Ammann C, Catanzaro V, Pagge C, Piredda R, Monje MHG, Navalpotro-Gomez I, Bergareche A, Rodríguez-Oroz MC, Vela-Desojo L, Alonso-Frech F, Catalán MJ, Molina JA, López-Ariztegu N, Oliviero A, Obeso JA, Foffani G. Home-based transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the motor cortex for treating levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial. Brain Stimul. 2022 May 21;15(3):857-860.
Azcona Ganuza G, Alegre M. Static magnetic stimulation of human auditory cortex: a feasibility study. Neuroreport. 2022 Aug 3;33(11):487-494.
Vila-Villar A, Naya-Fernández M, Madrid A, Madinabeitia-Mancebo E, Robles-García V, Cudeiro J, Arias P. Exploring the role of the left DLPFC in fatigue during unresisted rhythmic movements. Psychophysiology. 2022 Oct;59(10):e14078.
Shibata S, Watanabe T, Matsumoto T, Yunoki K, Horinouchi T, Kirimoto H, Zhang J, Wang H, Wu J, Onishi H, Mima T. Triple tSMS system ("SHIN jiba") for non-invasive deep brain stimulation: a validation study in healthy subjects. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2022 Nov 24;19(1):129.
Watanabe T, Chen X, Yunoki K, Matsumoto T, Horinouchi T, Ito K, Ishida H, Sunagawa T, Mima T, Kirimoto H. Differential effects of transcranial static magnetic stimulation over left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on brain oscillatory responses during a working memory task. Neuroscience. 2023 Mar 10:S0306-4522(23)00122-7.
Guida P, Foffani G, Obeso I. The Supplementary Motor Area and Automatic Cognitive Control: Lack of Evidence from Two Neuromodulation Techniques. J Cogn Neurosci. 2023 Mar 1;35(3):439-451.
Caballero-Insaurriaga J, Pineda-Pardo JA, Obeso I, Oliviero A, Foffani G. Noninvasive modulation of human corticostriatal activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Apr 11;120(15):e2219693120.
Soto-León V, Díez-Rodríguez E, Herrera-Pérez S, Rosa JM, Aguilar J, Hernando A, Bravo-Sánchez C, López-González V, Pérez-Borrego Y, Bestmann S, Oliviero A. Effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on random number generation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2023 May;149:18-24.
Watanabe T, Chen X, Yunoki K, Matsumoto T, Horinouchi T, Ito K, Ishida H, Sunagawa T, Mima T, Kirimoto H. Differential Effects of Transcranial Static Magnetic Stimulation Over Left and Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex on Brain Oscillatory Responses During a Working Memory Task. Neuroscience. 2023 May 1;517:50-60.
Shimomura R, Shibata S, Koganemaru S, Minakuchi M, Ichimura S, Itoh A, Shimotake K, Mima T. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) can induce functional recovery in patients with subacute stroke. Brain Stimul. 2023 May-Jun;16(3):933-935.
Shibata S, Takahashi H, Miida Y, Mima T, Onishi H. Priming effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on the neuromodulation induced by transcranial static magnetic field stimulation in human motor cortex. Clin Neurophysiol. 2023 Oct;154:194-197.
Matsumoto T, Watanabe T, Ito K, Horinouchi T, Shibata S, Kurumadani H, Sunagawa T, Mima T, Kirimoto H. Effect of transcranial static magnetic stimulation over unilateral or bilateral motor association cortex on performance of simple and choice reaction time tasks. Front Hum Neurosci. 2023 Dec 4;17:1298761.
Takami A, Kawajiri T, Komiyama T, Aoyama C, Shimegi S. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over hMT+ inhibits visual motion discriminability. Sci Rep. 2024 Jan 11;14(1):1109.
Pagge C, Caballero-Insaurriaga J, Oliviero A, Foffani G, Ammann C. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the supplementary motor area decreases corticospinal excitability in the motor cortex: a pilot study. Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 19;14(1):6597.
Tomita N, Katayama H, Kurihara Y, Takahashi T, Shibata S, Mima T, Osu R, Kumano H. Tackling social anxiety with targeted brain stimulation: investigating the effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation on self-focused attention. Front Behav Neurosci. 2024 Mar 13;18:1373564.
Arias P, Adán-Arcay L, Madinabeitia-Mancebo E, Cudeiro J. Homeostatic metaplasticity induced by the combination of two inhibitory brain stimulation techniques: Continuous theta burst and transcranial static magnetic stimulation. Neuroscience. 2024 Aug 30;554:128-136.
Carpio A, Dreher JC, Ferrera D, Galán D, Mercado F, Obeso I. Causal computations of supplementary motor area on spatial impulsivity. Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 24;14(1):17040.
Di Lazzaro V, Ranieri F, Doretti A, Boscarino M, Maderna L, Colombo E, Soranna D, Zambon A, Ticozzi N, Musumeci G, Capone F, Silani V. Transcranial static magnetic stimulation for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a bicentric, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled phase 2 trial. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024 Jul 30;45:101019.
Shibata S, Onishi H, Mima T. TMS-EEG signatures of the effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) on cortical excitability. Sci Rep. 2024 Sep 27;14(1):22394.
tSMS reviews and editorials
Paulus W. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation in man: making things as simple as possible? J Physiol. 2011 Dec 15;589(Pt 24):5917-8.
Bestmann S. Neurostimulation: a new way to influence cortical excitability? Curr Biol. 2011 Nov 8;21(21):R893-4.
Senerchia G, Dubbioso R. Non-invasive brain stimulation therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: are we ready for clinical use? Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024 Sep 6;45:101055.
Nojima I, Oliviero A, Mima T. Transcranial static magnetic stimulation -From bench to bedside and beyond. Neurosci Res. 2020 Jul;156:250-255.
Viudes-Sarrion N, Velasco E, Delicado-Miralles M, Lillo-Navarro C. Static magnetic stimulation in the central nervous system: a systematic review. Neurol Sci. 2021 May;42(5):1733-1749.
Foffani G, Oliviero A. Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation. In: The Oxford Handbook of Transcranial Stimulation, Second Edition, March 2021, 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832256.013.8.
Senerchia G, Dubbioso R. Non-invasive brain stimulation therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: are we ready for clinical use? Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2024 Sep 6;45:101055.